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Christie Rourke BSc (Hons) ST SS Dip ST SS MSTA

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Christie Rourke BSc (Hons) ST Dip ST SS MSTA MedAcu Pilates YTTC200hrs  SoulRealignment 

When I am asked what it is that I do, I find myself stumbling for words. In essence, through my many qualifications and training, I am drawn to helping those who wish to find a calmer nervous system, and mind, body and soul healing. Through the different modalities I use, we might work physically hands on, or through movement such as yoga. Or we can use breathwork and meditation to tap into the mind and body connection. In clinic and in classes I like to incorporate the vagus nerve and healing this to help us calm and soothe wired and fried nervous systems whether it is from stress, trauma, lifestyle or all three. Energy healing is a beautiful way to calm the nervous system, and heal specific areas, unblock chakras and work with whatever might be showing up.


I also love working with Soul Realignment to help people make changes or hone in on their divine gifts, talents and purposes in life, or to make adjustments and break past life karmic patterns that might just be holding them back. And I am now qualified in Past Life Regression another way to explore past lives and heal from any themes and karma that has carried over.

MIND, BODY and SOUL are all one in my eyes, and working on any one element will always have an effect on the others. Finding balance, peace, and harmony with the parts of you that make you uniquely you!

Previous work experience:

London Towers Basketball Club

Back On Track Clinic, Andover

Active Sports Therapy, Farnborough

Studio57 Clinic, Hove

Bognor Rugby Club

Worthing Thunder Basketball Club

Fat Face board riders

Diversity (Winners of TV's Britain's Got Talent)

Owner at Bodywaves Sports Injury Clinic 

Currently at Offington Osteopath Clinic after merging businesses with Alison Fricker owner.

GB Maxi Basketball Yoga teacher and player 2023 Worlds, 2024 Europeans



All Sporting and Occupational Injuries (MSK - Musculoskeletal Injuries)

Muscle activation * Medical Acupuncture * Sports Therapy * Sports Massage * Reiki Energy Healing * Be Activated * Yoga * Ashtanga * Yin * Meditation * Pranayama * Breathwork * Soul Realignment * Past Life Regression 


Main Qualifications:

BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy 2006 

VTCT Diploma in Sports Therapy 2003

Sports Science BTEC 2002

Pilates instructor award 2012

Medical Acupuncture 2012

Be Activated 2013, 2014 and 2015

Yoga Teacher Hatha 2016- 2018 

Yoga Teacher Training in India YTTC 200hr Nov 2017 (ashtanga, vinyasa, meditation and pranayama)

Reiki Level I Healing May 2018

Reiki II Healing Dec 2018

Soul Realignment Level I Practitioner March 2020

Advanced Pranayama TTC July 2020

Lymphatics Dec 2021

Vagus Nerve March 2022

Yoga Therapy Level 1 - completed January 2024

Yoga Therapy Level 2 - April 2024

Hypnotherapy and Counselling Diploma level 3 2024

Couselling and Psychotherapy Diploma Level 4 and 5 2025-2027

Professional body membership:

Sports Therapy Association

The Hypnotherapy Society

NCPS - student member

About Me:

I performed gymnastics, basketball and volleyball to county and regional levels and also retired from National League Basketball. I am currently in the GBMaxis Ladies program and competed in the FIMBA World Champs in Argentina Aug 2023, and recently returned from the Europeans in Italy June 2024. I love to keep fit by playing basketball, doing yoga, snowboarding, walking (dogs when possible!), surfing and wakesurfing and padddleboarding in the sea when the weather is kind.

Bodywaves. c/o Offington Osteopath Clinic, 7 Offington Lane, Worthing, BN14 9RY. Call: 07821740166
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