Christie - Bio

My life has taken many turns and since leaving University as a fully fledged Sports Therapist (which Honors) I have had much experience, working with sports teams and in clinics, with all types of musculoskeletal injuries, pain and dysfunction in the body. I found my training amazingly useful, and incredibly limited at times. It led me to sort answers in other forms of treatment with a keen interest in the mind and body connection. It was hard to deny the link between emotional and mental disturbances with the physical body failing or becoming blocked/dysfunctional. Not only in my patients, but also in myself, I noticed times of high stress meant more injuries and lack of healing in the body.
I was lucky enough to find Be Activated, a system of muscle activation which literally changed my life by opening my eyes to realising how unaware I was of my body which I had always thought I was taking care of and had done much strength and fitness and sports training, believing I was strong. Little did I know! Through diaphragm activation I found a reconnection to my breath, and muscles working again which I hadn't even realised had switched off in my body, which was also linked to my mind and became much more efficient again finding strength and power I had lost long before.
From this, my interest turned to Yoga (from Pilates which I had been teaching alongside Sports Therapy). I loved that they used the breath with movement and belly breathing was given high importance like in Be Activated. I wanted more and went to Goa, India to study for my 200hr YTTC. Another life changing time for me bringing me closure, inner peace and clarity, as well as new found flexibility and finding a mind, body and now my soul connection.
Fast forward two years and I have since studied Reiki healing, meditation, more breathwork, spiritual practices from Yoga and other areas, channelling, and some clairvoyance which came through my Reiki, and most recently Thai Massage. I have recently completed my Advance Pranyama TTC and look forward to inspiring others to take a better inspiration (of the breath kind ; 0 ) )
My passion for helping others find healing in the forms they may need, but linking the mind-body connection and the soul and spirituality together as complete beings is what drives me to continue to study and work in the ways I do. I believe we can heal from past traumas, pain, disfunction and find what is blocking us or preventing our mind, body and soul from being the best it can be.
I have been teaching Ashtanga inspired classes and Yin, as well as Meditation and Pranyama (breath work) since returning from India and love to connect the dots through all the treatments I can offer in clinic, in workshops and in my Community Reiki sessions at Salt Water.
Follow me on Insta - BodywavesMindBodySoul
Big love
Christie x